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Thealoz Duo Gel Eye Drops (30 SDU’s)


Thealoz® Duo Gel Eye drops are suitable for more severe dry eye or for night time use as it combines both long-lasting relief and protection for the surface of the eye, with a carbomer gel which gives added staying power.

Key Features:

  • Preservative-free
  • Clin­i­cal­ly proven to increase the thick­ness of the tear film which relieves symp­toms of dry eyes.
  • Thealoz Duo Gel is ide­al for mod­er­ate to severe signs and symp­toms of dry eye such as dis­com­fort, sting­ing or irri­ta­tion of the eye.
  • 30 unit dose (each con­tain­er has 0.4ml)

Availability: In stock

How to Use

How to Use

Best used when applied to eye at night as it combines both long-lasting relief and protection for the surface of the eye, with a carbomer gel which gives added staying power.

Con­tact lens wear­ers –please remove them before apply­ing and after using, wait at least 30 min­utes before putting your lens­es back in.



0.15% Hyaluron­ic acid – this acts as a tear lubri­cant, pro­vides long-last­ing relief and soothes your symptoms
3% Tre­halose is added to pro­vide pro­tec­tion for the sur­face of the eye

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